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  • At least 2 weeks prior to our appointment don't expose area of skin which is going to be tattooed to direct sunlight. Cover it with clothes or use sunscreen (broad spectrum, SPF 30 or 50). I can't tattoo on sunburn and freshly tanned skin might not allow me to fully control tattooing process as well as match ink colors, shading intensity and contrast properly to your natural skin tone.

  • Few days prior to our appointment moisturise area of skin which is going to be tattooed. 2-3 days before you can gently exfoliate your skin. Smooth and moisturised skin makes my work easier and allow to obtain the best final results.

  • Don’t drink alcohol or get too much caffeine 24h prior to your tattoo session. Don't take any other blood thinners (e.g. aspirin) as well.


  • Rest well, take a shower and eat something before an appointment. I also recommend to take some snacks for yourself and something to focus on (e.g. bring a book, download some music/movies) especially for a long session. I'm happy to chat with you before and after tattoo, but usually during tattooing proces I need to stay focused on work :)


  • Wear comfortable clothes (or take something to change), which will allow me to work easily - I need an acces to tattooed placement and area around it. For leg tattoos take shorts, for chest/back area good choice would be a shirt or a hoodie with a zip. For cleavage/ribs/hips areas for women I recommend bikini swimsuit and/or a loose T-shirt or dress. If you're going to have your ankle/calf tattooed please bring fresh pair of socks to change as well.


  • Please let me know if you feel sick! We will reschedule our tattoo appointment and wait until you feel better.


  • Don't forget to bring cash (CZK). If you have Czech bank account you can also pay by bank transfer via QR code.


  • Be on time, please! Let me know in case you're going to be late. Being late more than 20 minutes might result in loosing your deposit and rescheduling your appointment.

  • Come alone if possible. If you need any extra support please let me know about it!

If you have any questions - don't hesitate to contact me!

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